中央卡罗莱纳技术学院的在线和混合课程符合学院质量课程标准和教学设计标准中概述的质量设计要求, 并达到部门和同行评审的认可. 课程质量标准如下.

  • 课程主页包含以下信息的欢迎公告:课程介绍, instructor name, course begin/end dates, 以及前往内容开始的说明.
  • 概述包括以下声明:“欢迎! 首先单击第一个模块Start Here.”; the first module under Content is labeled “Start Here”, 在模块描述中有会议时间和交付方法(在模块标题下), and includes only the following: Welcome letter/video; College Information and Policies; the current course syllabus; and Class Calendar and Due Dates. The second module under Content is labeled “My Instructor” and includes the following: instructor name and photo; contact information (office location, telephone); availability (office hours/virtual office hours); instructions to use D2L email from the Classlist (no email hyperlinks). 内容下的第三个模块被标记为“基本资源”,包括有关D2L Brightspace定向课程的信息, 学生支持服务的联系方式, 以及其他相关的课程信息或资料. 内容下的第四个模块被标记为“Zoom”(如果在课程中使用Zoom),包括Zoom会议链接, information, and recording links. 
  • Course results in learning objectives/competencies appropriate to the program; the course is equivalent (same objectives/competencies) to an on-campus course. 
  • 完成本课程的所有课程模块, 是否以每周(或其他适当的)形式呈现, have begin/end dates in the module titles; and contain the following: student learning outcomes and instructions for the module; Learning activities such as: pre-assessment, assigned reading, instructional video, etc. as needed. If publisher resources are used (i.e. ALEKS, Paradigm, McGraw-Hill, etc.), 提供链接并清楚地解释如何作为单独的模块或添加的单个内容模块访问外部资源.
  • 课程为学生提供了通过电子邮件与教师和其他学生互动的机会, discussion board, chat sessions, web-conferencing, etc. 鼓励和/或要求学生参与课程或小组交流.
  • Instructor communicates that he/she will provide prompt and regular feedback; communicates response times for course work, email and discussion board messages, etc. (注意:电子邮件和论坛发帖的回复时间为24小时,测试/一般作业的回复时间为一周,重大项目/论文的回复时间为两周.)
  • 评估方法与课程目标/能力相匹配,并在可行的情况下使用在线评估工具,以适应远程测试和远程监考. (Examples include online quizzes, surveys, self-assessments and practice tests, writing assignments, electronic presentations, portfolios, projects, papers, 录像提交的报告, etc. Group projects are also encouraged.)  
  • 课程符合FERPA,版权和可访问性要求. 
  • 建立成绩册,并与课程大纲中规定的评价方法相一致.
  • 考勤记录是使用当前方案建立的, includes dates and assignment names, 并同意课程大纲中规定的出勤标准.